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NI PXI-2564 115Vac 400Hz max current 4 amps

Can the NI PXI-2564 handle 115Vac 400Hz max current 4 amps?

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According to the device manual--http://www.ni.com/pdf/manuals/373963h.pdf, it doesn't appear so.  The maximum relay operate time is 10.4 ms, which is slower that the 400 Hz requirement.  In addition, it mentions that "Certain applications may require additional time for proper settling. For information about including additional settling time, refer to the NI Switches Help."

Andy G
Applications Engineering
National Instruments
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Message 2 of 3



My apologies, on further examination, it turns out you should be all set.  The maximum relay operate time is not actually associated with the frequency of your signal.  The important characteristics are the switching current and voltage, and combined power, which  a"must not exceed 30 W at 150 VDC, 150 W at 30 VDC, or 150 VAC, 5 A" according to the product manual--http://www.ni.com/pdf/manuals/373963h.pdf 


All of your signal characteristics satisfy those requirements, and you shouldn't have any issues operating at 400 Hz.

Andy G
Applications Engineering
National Instruments
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