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NI-Switch Soft Front Panel Error -200055

I am using NI-Switch 4.1, the soft front panel version is  I have a PXI chassis with 16 switch cards in it of various types (all NI).  When using the soft front panel to manually control the switches, the SFP will give error -200055 whenever I try and select any of the PXI-2599 cards.  I believe it also gives this error when trying to select any of the PXI-2546 cards as well, but I can't remember.  If you click continue for this error, the relays show up in the SFP, but it doesn't control them.  If you click stop, the program closes.


I have attached a screenshot of the error message.  If anybody has any insight, I'd appreciate it.



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Have you taken a look at Can I Use Dashes in a Switch Resource Name Using NI-SWITCH or NI-DAQmx? This is a knowledgebase article that discusses this issue. Try changing the name of your switch device from for example "PXI1-Slot4" to "PXI1Slot4" and this may resolve the issue.

National Instruments
Software Group Manager
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I will see if changing the name has any effect.  I will say that I do not have dashes in the names, but I do have underscores.  Also, my PXI-2575, 2569, and 2593 work just fine with underscores and similar names using the SFP.



Jonathan Rice

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Message 3 of 4

Late to the party.... I can confirm the dash in the device name is the cause.


I had the exact issue with a PXI-2527 multiplexer. This issue did not occur with the other cards I have (6602, 5114). Removing the dash from the name solved the problem. Old name: "PXI-2527" new name "PXI2527".


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