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Open ALL Relays on NI2569 using DAQmx in Labview2009

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How do you open all the relays on a 2569 card using DAQmx in LV2009??


I looked at the help and it says to select (using shiiping example:Switch Controlling Individual Relay) BROWSE from the drop down list under relays.

Then thats it!!  I tried "CTRL" then the channels I wanted..nothing..  then I tried "SHIFT" then the channels I wanted..still nothing.

I think the Help File is missing something!!


See attached.


0 Kudos
Message 1 of 14

My version has a "DAQmx Switch Disconnect All" just below the "DAQmx Switch Disconnect" in the pallet.  Is that VI not there for you?

There are only two ways to tell somebody thanks: Kudos and Marked Solutions
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"Not that we are sufficient in ourselves to claim anything as coming from us, but our sufficiency is from God" - 2 Corinthians 3:5
Message 2 of 14

Thanks..yes, I do have it and wouldn't have found it using LV Help File.  Do you have a suggestion for connecting 2 relays at once using DAQmx??  When I connect 1 then 2 , relay 1 disconnects..  Nothing in help or examples.  Just talks about "Channels".  Could you also point me to the correct sytax a relay has to be called out in if I explicitly state it in a string??  I remember something like "dev0/ch0".  Is this sytax listed somewhere??  If I give my cards an alias in MAX would I replace the DEV1 with the alias?



0 Kudos
Message 3 of 14

I'll have to defer to somebody else.  I've always used Switch Executive for switches.

There are only two ways to tell somebody thanks: Kudos and Marked Solutions
Unofficial Forum Rules and Guidelines
"Not that we are sufficient in ourselves to claim anything as coming from us, but our sufficiency is from God" - 2 Corinthians 3:5
0 Kudos
Message 4 of 14



You should be able to open multiple relays by performing the following operations:


1.) Drop the DAQmx Switch Open Relays.vi, create a constant under relays

2.) click the drop down list and click browse

3.) Select the first relay in the list

4.) Hold shift and select another relay to close all relays in the selections, hold ctrl and click individual relays for individual relay selection.

5.) Click ok and use VI

Order to select multiple switches.png


Additionally, you could type in the name of the relays as such:


"/2567/k0:10" for relays 0 through 10 on the 2567 on a device named "2567"


"/2567/k0, /2567/k2, /2567/k4, /2567/k6" for relays 0,2,4 and 6 on a device named "2567"


Let me know if this works!

National Instruments
Software Group Manager
Message 5 of 14

Hi Clint,


I must first appload you for reading the help and using our examples!  What the help says is correct, that if you right click a DAQmx swtich constant you can select Browse and select multiple relays using Control or Shift (just like you tried).


However, in the Switch Controlling Individual Relay example there is a small caveat that prevents us from doing this by default.  It is an option set called "I/O Name Filtering" which is available on all DAQmx controls (and constants). It determines what data a user can select in that control (you should check it out for DAQmx device name controls, too).


Right click on the Relay Name control on the front panel of the exampe and select "I/O Name Filtering".  This will bring up a window with a checkbox entitled "Allow Multiple Names." In this example this option is unchecked, which limits the user to only selecting a single relay name.  Check the box, and you'll now be able to select multiple relays using shift and control when in the browse menu. 


IO Name Filtering.png 






Select Multiple.png






Alternatively you can select only the Device name itself and click OK, and it will automatically select all of the relays on the module.


Eric S.
AE Specialist | Global Support
National Instruments
Message 6 of 14

Thanks everyone.  I tried the "comma" to separate but it wouldn't take it until I tried the filtering solution you suggested.  Maybe an addendum to the Help??  It was driving me nuts.  Thanks.  For documentation purposes in Teststand I'd like to close a relay then in the next step close another.  When I do this the 1st relay opens.  Can I close 2 different relays in 2 different steps keeping both closed until I open them??  Or do I have to do multiple relays like described above??



0 Kudos
Message 7 of 14

This is most likely because of the value you have in the property "Connection Lifetime"


By default it is set to "Step" which means the switch connection will disconnect as soon as the currest TestStand step completes.  In your case the first connect step finished and moved to the second connect step.  Since the first connect step completed NISE now disconnects the first connection.


You can change Connection Lifetime to "manual" if you want to manually disconnect each connection yourself.  Or you can set it to "Sequence" so whenever the current sequence finishes it will disconnect automatically.



Eric S.
AE Specialist | Global Support
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 8 of 14

Eric thanks but Im not using Switch Ex.  Using LABVIEW2009 DAQmx.

0 Kudos
Message 9 of 14



Are your LabVIEW VIs that you are calling performing a reset function? This would open up the relays.

National Instruments
Software Group Manager
0 Kudos
Message 10 of 14