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Trouble with configuring NI-9481

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I cannot seem to configure my NI9481 correctly so that the switches/relays are available in a Switch I/O control. I attempted to use the NI Example "Switch Connect-2 Channel.vi" to test the relays, however I generate the following error: "-200069: Device specified is not a valid switch device". This inclines me to believe the switch examples do not work for the 9481.


If I go into MAX, highlight the NI9481, and select "Test Panels..." I am able to open/close the relays using the GUI.


I am currently using a NI cDAQ-9172 8 slot chassis that houses 2 NI9239 ADCs, 1 NI9263 DAC, and a NI9481. I am attempting to use the relay (9481) to enable/disable the analog signal generated by the NI9263 to be read by the NI9239. I have been able to create the analog signal and have it digitized by the NI9239s without a problem.


Can someone shed some light on what I might have missed when attempting to configure the 9481...

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Message 1 of 4
Accepted by topic author CJTilley

I was able to find the correct example that produces the effect I was looking for. For those interested it is the "Write Dig Port.VI" found in the NI Examples.

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Message 2 of 4

Hey CJ,


The 9481 uses the DAQmx Write Digital function calls, not NI-Switch or DAQmx-switch... odd, yes, but it's treated as a digital output module (where the outputs control the relays).  LabVIEW Example Finder (Help»Find Examples) has several digital output examples that can be modified to work with the 9481.  I recommend starting at:

Hardware Input and Output»DAQmx»Digital Generation»Write Dig Port.vi


If you're not familiar with teh DAQmx write digital vi, take a look at that VI's help and it'll walk you through the various instances... you'll probably want to use the Digital»Single Channel»Single Sample»1D Boolean (N lines) instance.  Definitely let us know if any of the above is confusing and we can clarify.


Happy switching!

-John Sullivan
Problem Solver
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Message 3 of 4

Looks like you found the answer while I was writing a reply :).  Let us know if you have any questions.

-John Sullivan
Problem Solver
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Message 4 of 4