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Dashboard Editor: Can we create/upload custom tiles?

I have a scenario where 95% of what I want is achievable via the built-in tiles. However, the last 5% involves a niche way of visualizing data. (In this case, I'm after a Phasor Diagram to show the relationship between 3 channels, but my question applies equally to other forms of visualisation)


Question: Is it possible for us to create and upload a custom tile that can be used by anyone who creates a Tile Dashboard in our SystemLink server? If not, is something like this on the roadmap?


What I'm envisioning is this: I would write my own HTML+CSS+JavaScript files (or a WebVI) that makes use of NI's Dashboard framework API. If I have admin rights, I can upload these files as a package/plugin to a place on the server. The server can run some validation checks to ensure that the package/plugin conforms the the Dashboard framework's rules. Assuming that the package/plugin is valid, its contents would be served up as a custom tile in the Dashboard Editor.

Certified LabVIEW Developer
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Hello JKSH,


This is not currently possible in the tile dashboards. Right now it's a technical limitation of the solution. It is however a use-case that we're tracking and wanting to support in the future. I have a few questions to help guide our investigations.

  1. Where is the data you're wanting to show stored? (Tags, Test Results, TDMS, etc)
  2. How did you envision accessing the data from your custom frontend? (is this tile just a new visual on top of data we're already serving or will you want to make your own custom calls and configuration?)
  3. Would you want to utilize dashboard filters in your tile? (currently limited to systems)
  4. Would a simple iFrame suffice?

I'm also curious what slice of built-in tiles and functionality serve your 95% use-case.

  1. What is the most important data you're monitoring?
  2. How often do you use notebook customizations?


Ryan F

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