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Package deployment issue

Hi all,


I am having an issue trying to deploy packages to clients, hopefully some one may be able to point in me in the right direction.


So, i found some useful guides that i followed to create a test package that i would deploy to a client here.


I managed to upload the package to the repo ok and  then was able to add the feed to the package for the client ok too. However when i click on the available tab to finally install the package on the client, i get the following error (the test package is called amazing by the way) - please check the first attached image.


When i try opening package manage on the client i also get this error. - please check the second attached image.


I checked out this post here  and although the issue is not quite the same i gave it a shot and tried enabling/generating the certificate, sadly this didn't change anything.


Any ideas?


Thanks in advance.


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Message 1 of 5

In order to install packages from your server you need to ensure you have remote access enabled for your web server to enable the target to install software from it.


Screen Shot 2017-11-16 at 11.30.17 PM.png


Also, after you have created the feed in the Repository Manager you need to then add the feed to the target using Systems Manager, by selecting the target, launching the Software dialog and then the Feeds tab.

Screen Shot 2017-11-16 at 11.32.46 PM.png


Don't forget to click Apply before clicking on the Available tab.

Screen Shot 2017-11-16 at 11.33.00 PM.png

Screen Shot 2017-11-16 at 11.33.11 PM.png

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Message 2 of 5

Hi Joshua,


Thanks for the response. I had a look at the web server config and found that "Allow remote connections from any client" was already ticked, however "Also accept connections from public networks" was not. I ticked that option, restarted the webserver and gave it another go, but still no luck unfortunately Smiley Sad


All the rest of the setup of feeds for a particular client was already done. I seem to be stuck on the last bit where I actually select the package to install on the client on the available tab.


I'm just wondering if there are any network related configurations that I need to change?


Thanks again.

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Message 3 of 5

Just an update on some other things we have  tried.


We have tried installing the server/client on various computers to see if this was a permissions/access thing but no luck.

We even tried installing the server/client on the same machine but still got the same error.


when trying to access one of the links shown in the error message, for example in a browser, we get a 403 error "You don't have permission to access /support/nipkg/products/ni-systemlink-client/17.0/released/ on this server.". 

Could this have anything  to do with it?


Thanks again.

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Message 4 of 5

Its a good idea to try it from a browser, but  is just the base URL which is correct when using SystemLink or NIPM.  Try adding "Packages" to the end if you are using a web browser.


As an example try the following:


If that works try the same from your client for your feeds hosted from your server.

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Message 5 of 5