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SystemLink Tags Stopped Refreshing


I am pulling information from an NI OPC Server (via OPC UA), monitoring the tags (in SystemLink), and reading those tags in NXG. After hundreds of updates, the tags have frozen and stopped updating (connection status has remained OK the entire time).


They are set to permanent monitor status. If a brief moment of disconnection happens, would it pick the system back up and continue to monitor the tags?

**Edit, it had lost the OPC Server. Wasn't even present in my SystemLink OPC UA systems, what would cause it to lose this?

Thanks for the help!

"I am prepared to go anywhere, provided it be forward." - David Livingstone
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Message 1 of 4

I know there was a bug in one of the previous versions of SystemLink where after a year of installing the SystemLink OPC UA support the certificate would expire causing the service to fail to run anymore.  There was a patch to fix the issue and I know it has been addressed in SystemLink 19.5.

Message 2 of 4

Hmm, I have SystemLink 19.5 on my system, only as an evaluation period for some conceptual work.
Maybe I am having some certificate issues from the Client end?

Thank you for the information!

"I am prepared to go anywhere, provided it be forward." - David Livingstone
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Message 3 of 4

Sorry, must be a rookie mistake here. New to utilizing the SystemLink system.

When I shutdown my PC before leaving the office I am assuming it is closing down my SystemLink host (this Laptop is hosting for testing purposes). It never loses the client system but it does lose the OPC UA information from the client, would using the SystemLink cloud solve this issue? 

Thanks again.
Rookie mistakes here. Smiley Frustrated

"I am prepared to go anywhere, provided it be forward." - David Livingstone
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Message 4 of 4