UI Interest Group Documents

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LabVIEW GUI Design: Moving Beyond the Palettes

I gave a presentation at NI Week 2013 on bringing GUI design elements from third party applications into LabVIEW.  I finally got around to posting my presentation here and thought I would mention it in this group as it could be of particular interest.  I am also working with NI on distilling the tips and tricks from the presentation into tutorial based articles for NI News.  The first in the series was released early this week and can be found at the link below.

Creating an Elegant LabVIEW User Interface: Alpha Masks



Active Participant
Active Participant

Very nice, Jon.  I had just downloaded GIMP and Inkscape yesterday to see if I could start doing some entertaining GUI stuff, and this is a great intro.  Now I juts need to remember how to use the two and ll will be good.

Can't wait to see the others in your series!


I've used Gimp to create vintage looking panels in Labview. The meter is composed of three parts. A background image, control meter needle and a cover image. I'm not familiar with inkscape, so I'll check into it. I like the idea of using alpha mask overlays, especially over controls like chart recorders, xy graphs etc. It opens up some interesting possibilites. Thanksnewteletronics.png
