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Add a simple delay to the aqcuired signal (won't work)

Hello there, 


hope you can help, i think it's not that difficult but i don't get it. 


In my USRP Tx i just want to add a variable delay time to my acquired signal for processing. As you can see in the attached picture of my Tx, i get the time information and will add any delay you enter. For example: I want to delay the acquired signal for 50ms. But if i compare the original signal with the delayed signal there is no difference doesn't matter what i entered in the delay-element. I know there's a express VI for time delay, i only used it to see what i should expect, but it's not a durable solution for me. So it won't work and i don't know why. 


Please ask if something is not clear. 🙂 Thank you! 







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Message 1 of 5

Hello Jendrik,


i tested you code and it worked fine on my side.

I believe that you just do not see the difference because you did not activate it on your Waveformgraph.

There is a Checkbox on the in the Properties of the Waveformgraph-->Scales which says:

Ignore waveform time stamp on x-axes

if you want to see you you delay in that waverform you have to uncheck that.

Basically you can also convert the express Vi, by right-clicking it and and click on open Frontpanel. Than you can see what happens inside.


Best regards.


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Message 2 of 5

Hi Leopold, 


thanks for your reply. 

I tested your solution, but if I uncheck the ignore time stamp I get something you see in the attached picture. later i formatted the x-axis manually and then i get nothing to see. There's also another problem: Normally if you multiply a sine wave with it's delayed replika you will get a new wave with the doubled frequency and an offset. But in my case i get no offset, only a sine wave with it's doubled frequency. Isn't that a proof that this is not only a display problem?


Best regards,




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Message 3 of 5

I just wanted to edit my recent post, but i think it's not possible so here's an update: 


Now i understood what happened with my x-axis. I think Labview is converting the time stamp to a double value or something like that. I see my "delayed" signal but only if the x axis is on autoscale. My signal is between 357656114.25 to 357656114.26, haha.

But with this scale a real comparison is not possible. Do you have an idea what I could do that my signal is also between 0 and 0.01?

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Message 4 of 5

Hi Jndrk,


here is described where the numbers you see come from. It is the Timestamp used by Labview or in your case from the USRP.


You could easily set that timestamp to zero with a constant or you subtract the t0 by itself. Then you have your data starting at zero.




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Message 5 of 5