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Transmit multiple files one after another

I'm trying to build a vi to transmit a number of files consecutively using one or multiple N210s, but when I run it, the program will play the first file it finds and then hang up. I'm not entirely sure what would be casuing this to happen or where to start looking to fix it.


Right now I have the vi slimmed down to only use one N210 for simplicity sake, but the overall function will be to find the wav files in the selceted folder, then run a transmit loop that plays each file one at a time the also steps through a list of N210s.


Any pointers on how to fix it?




0 Kudos
Message 1 of 7



I have a few questions and recommendations for you. The first is it appears you are opening a session in a For loop which means you are going to create multiple sessions. I would recommend looking at the niUSRP Ex Tx Continuous Async.VI example in the niUSRP driver. Pleae notice how only one session is created and the session is closed after the loop exits. I believe the multiple sessions you are creating to the same device could be causing problems.

Matt P.
Applications Engineer
National Instruments
Message 2 of 7

Thanks for the input, I'll take a look at it.



0 Kudos
Message 3 of 7

After looking at the niUSRP Ex Tx Continuous Async.VI example, I made some changes to the VI and it works better than the first one. But I am still getting issues with it.


It will play the first file, but the quality of playback over the radio is poor and is choppy (it cuts in and out).

After it plays the first file, the second one will play on the computer, but will not broadcast out to the radio and an error is returned regarding memory usage.



I don't have a lot of experience in this sort of programming and this hardware is a little above my head, but I really need to get this working as it's vital for work.


Any help is appreciated.

0 Kudos
Message 4 of 7

Screen shots of your error would be helpful, it would allow us to look for the precise error and ways to eleminate this problem. When you say the playback is poor and choppy are you using another USRP to listen, what device is being used to listen to what is being broadcast by the USRP? 

Matt P.
Applications Engineer
National Instruments
Message 5 of 7

I get no errors with this version and it works like it should.


I would like to know the proper way to get it to output information like the IP address for the radio it last used to transmit, the frequency it used, the file name that it broadcast, and a timestamp for it to a spreadsheet file.


Can all of that be done with the write to spreadsheet vi, or does it need to happen in segments and be appended in to one file?




0 Kudos
Message 6 of 7

For this you are going to need to build a cluster containing all the information you need. Once that is done you can use the write to spreadsheet file to send all your data to a spreadsheet. 

Matt P.
Applications Engineer
National Instruments
Message 7 of 7