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usrp 2920 detected as "***usrp2"

Hi everyone,


 I download the NI-USRP driver 14.0. When I try to detect my 3 USRP devices  with the NI-USRP Configuration Utility, two of them appear as ***usrp2. Their image status are set to "update needed". I tried to update them by selecting the images corresponding to USRP 2920 but nothing has changed.

The laptop network and USRP IP addresses are set up as indicated in the guide.

What can I do?


Thanks in advance,

0 Kudos
Message 1 of 7

Hi Adeline,


Did you follow the document below to update the USRP ?


How to Update Firmware and FPGA Images for the N2xx and NI 292x USRP



Certified LabVIEW Architect
Certified TestStand Architect
Certified LabWindowsCVI Developer
National Instruments France

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Message 2 of 7



I did follow what is described to change the images but it did'nt work. I unistalled the USRP driver and installed it again. After this, two of the USRP devices appeared as N210 rev4. So I wrote the images to solve the problem and detect them as USRP 2920. But the third one has another problem. Since I wrote the image yesterday, I no longer can detect it and its D LED is not lit. It indicates that the firmware is not loaded. I tried to add manually but it is impossible to write images.

Have you got some advice??


Thanks for your help,

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 7



1. I assume that the third problematic device is also a 2920 and this device used to work before the driver upgrade, am I right ?
2. No attempt to change the image on this device was made (I mean, did you try to upgrade it and somehow it failed with an error message?)
3. Which images were written to the other two 2920s (the ones which work fine now)
4. Can you try and run uhd_find_devices.exe command in an elevated command promt from NI-USRP install location (usually C:\Program Files (x86)\National Instruments\NI-USRP\utilities). Please have only the problematic device connected to your PC when doing this step and paste the output here.



0 Kudos
Message 4 of 7



1. Yes, this USRP 2920 used to work before the update

2. I tried to change the image of this USRP. I used the same as the others:

C:\Program Files (x86)\National Instruments\NI-USRP\images\ni292x_fw.bin

C:\Program Files (x86)\National Instruments\NI-USRP\images\ni292x_fpga.bin


4.I ran uhd_find_devices.exe command when there is only this USRP connected directly to my laptop but the answer is: "No UHD devices found".



0 Kudos
Message 5 of 7

Thank you for trying that Adeline01.

Now, can you try writing the images on the device after putting it in the safe mode ?

You can follow the " The Device IP Address Does Not Reset to the Default" sub-section in the Troubleshooting section of the Getting started guide to put the device in a safe mode and then try to see if the device is detected. If it gets detected, try writing the images.

While doing this process, have only the non-working USRP connected to your machine.


0 Kudos
Message 6 of 7

Hi Adeline01,


Was this issue resolved?

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Message 7 of 7