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Converting labview model into Veristand simulation?

I need to get the example .vi in this project working in veristand. I'm not sure the best way to go about it, or if there is anyone I can hire to do it. I tried converting it into a veristand model (I've semi-successfully done this with simple, single .vi') to no avail, veristand times out while trying to deploy to the target (pxie).

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Message 1 of 6

Can you upload your VI so we can take a look at it?  What version of labview/veristand are you working in? 

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Message 2 of 6

See the two attached files, one .vi and one project. I think the .vi is able to run on its own, the rest of the .vi's are just other examples. I am thinking my best course of action is to convert the .vi into a custom tool. I went through the tutorial but I don't fully understand how to add the invoke node. 


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Message 3 of 6

I tried putting parts of the .vi into the example .vi and still wind up with it either not running when I try to launch it as a tool, or giving the error 1000.

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Message 4 of 6

You can find more information about error 1000 here:


Getting Error 1000 When Changing Default Values of VI Programmatically


Can you go into more detail in the process that you're taking? I'm not sure exactly when errors are occurring or what the process you're going through is.

Alex C.
Applications Engineering
National Instruments
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Message 5 of 6

Back to trying to make a veristand simulation using labview.


Okay, we made a stripped down version of the project that will run on it's own in labview and will work if we test by plugging the LFE cable into the PC. When converted into a simulation model and loaded into veristand, I can set it to start paused initial state and the project will deploy and work fine until I set it to run (change the 1:pause to 0:run). When I do that, it locks up the target and I loose communication. I have to do a hardware restart to get to communicate again. Any thoughts? See attached stripped down .vi.


The LFE is plugged into the USB port in the front of the PXI controller, and shows up in ni-max as a RAW usb device with the name "A merriam product".


I'm no longer heading down the custom tool path as I don't think that will allow us to log data in the UI even if I did get it to work. Maybe a custom device is the right answer?

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Message 6 of 6