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Reading multiple analog channels in custom device


I am using Veristand 2011 together with a PXIe-8108 controller and PXIe-6363 IO.

I have created a custom device and in this custom device, I need to read values from multiple analog channels.

I am using the standard way, creating a task, assigning channels, starting the task and reading the values.

This works as long as I read only a single channel.

When I read multiple channels, the application does not start, but shows Error 1026, VI Reference is invalid.


When I use the code from the custom device that handles the analog input, in a plain LabVIEW RT projects, I can read multiple channels.


Does anybody know, if the Analog 1D DBL  NChan 1Samp instance of the Daqmx Read VI is supported in Veristand custom devices?


Best regards,



0 Kudos
Message 1 of 3

There is a labview bug, fixed in 2012, that causes this. The work around is to save your own copy of that daqmx read Vi

Stephen B
Message 2 of 3

Thank you, I will check this out.

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Message 3 of 3