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UI Manager 2017 crashing when opening UI Manager 2016 project

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I'm finally upgrading from Veristand 2016 to Veristand 2017. When I try and open a UI Manger project that was created in the 2016 version, a dialog box pops up that says, "VeriStand.UIManager encounter a problem and must exit." Upon closing, it gives a box to send feedback and provides, "Error 0x6AD7DF6F" 

Are there known issues with importing old UI Manager files, any specific things to delete from old files that might not be supported? I've tried opening just files, and not the project as a whole, and that still crashes it. I'm trying to parse down the UI to individual elements to find out what is causing the issue, but it's a painful process. 

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Accepted by topic author eric.tsi

After going through a support request, the issue was found to be boolean controls. After deleting all boolean controls, I was able to open it in the 2017 UI Manager, and then had to remake the boolean controls.

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Message 2 of 3

Hi eric.tsi,


We are tracking this issue with Corrective Action Request (CAR) 676010. I would expect this issue to be fixed in the VeriStand 2018 release. 




Product Support Engineer

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