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LabVIEW - Arduino Programming Challenge!

http://decibel.ni.com/content/servlet/JiveServlet/downloadImage/73-2846-18959/Arduino+Block+Diagram+-+No+Comments.pngThe challenge is out there! The official contest page is at ni.com/arduino_challenge - join this group for updates to the challenge. The rules are a bit free and loose - but basically, use LabVIEW and an Arduino to do something cool. Post your program to the challenge site, and next November we'll announce a winner - who will receive a CompactRIO chassis!

Don't have LabVIEW? For just $50, you can get a hobby version, including an Arduino board, at www.sparkfun.com. You will also need the LabVIEW-Arduino drivers at https://decibel.ni.com/content/groups/labview-interface-for-arduino.

This contest covers the several states, but I'm confident someone from Oregon or Washington can clean house on this one. Good luck!

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