Webcast Wednesday Discussions

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Webcast Wednesday Contest # 27


Plot the equation on a 2D graph/chart

An XY GRAPH is required here.


Represent the following on any 3D plot.

part 2.png

This is the equation for a Donut.

R,r are arbitrary constants, denoting the outer and inner radii respectively.


(Hint : Use formula nodes in the Mathematics Palette.)

Leave your answers as comments below by clicking on Reply

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Rules & Guidelines

  • Post your answers as comments on this thread.
  • The participant answering all the questions correctly and in the shortest time will be the winner. In case of VI or code as answers, the participant will also be judged on the basis of the efficiency of the VI/code.
  • The deadline for answer submission is Monday.
  • Entries made after the deadline will not be accepted.
  • The winner will be announced in the next session of Webcast Wednesday and on this thread, with further information & next steps.

Recordings of the Previous Sessions

Previous Contests of the Week

Message was edited by: Webcast_Wednesday_India

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Message 1 of 7

block diagram for 2D.jpgFront panel for 2D.jpg

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Message 2 of 7

part 1.png

in first equation do we need to plot 2D graph between x and y 'or' we need to take a third variable z and plot.

part 2.png

in this equation R is a constant or what? it will plot a 3d graph of r based on variable x,y and z. right?

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 7

hello anoop

regarding the 1st question...yes i think u need to take the 3rd varaiable and equate the sin(x^2+y^2)-cos(xy) to that variable....becoz when u solve the equation it

will  be x^2+y^2-xy=pi/2...which is not possible

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Message 4 of 7

To the webcast wednesday team,

even i have doubt in 2nd question...the equation looks similar to the equation of sphere i.e x^2+y^2+z^2=r^2..

if it is so....then r stands for radius which is a constant..& what about the R...does it have any relation with

variables x,y,z or it is also a constant

can you please upload this week webcast

Thank you

Message 5 of 7


my VIs for this week

I dont know whether i have done justification to the 2nd question.

feedbacks welcome

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Message 6 of 7

Hello to all participants,

Thank you for the entries and the replies.

In order to clarify the questions that have been asked,

Question 1 is to be plotted on a XY Graph. The plot has to be between X and Y.

Question 2 is the equation for a 3D Donut.

R is outer radius, r is inner radius.

You make take them to be arbitrary constants, just make sure that R>r.

So the plot will be between X,Y and Z.

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Message 7 of 7