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[Group O] NIYANTRA 2013:Ask Your Mentor

This is the team-mentor interaction space for all the NIYANTRA 2013 teams belonging to Group O. If your team belongs to this group,this is the place you should be interacting with your mentors.

Make Sure You Read this Document Carefully Before Starting.

This group is being mentored by Mr Prashanth N & Mr Nagaraja (National Instruments R & D)

Click here for the Group Allocation List

Message 1 of 13

Sir we are making Neural processor based Artificial intelligent Robot which works upon Real time oprating system,we have made the block Diagram for robotic system and we need FPGA hardware as we are usung it in our Project.We have also written C programming for RTOS.we also need DAQ please help me in providing these hardware As early as possible.How can i loan This hardware from Ni..??

Yours faithfully

sandeep kumar

0 Kudos
Message 2 of 13

sir,my doubt is how to measure the distance from the webcam to the specified object in the captured image please suggest me

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 13

A simple webcam is not enough to measure the depth. In market, depth sensing cameras are available which gives depth information for each pixel. If you go ahead with simple webcam then you might need to plot a graph of depth Vs the ratio of object height in the image to the actual height of object. Then you can refer to this graph to find the depth of object. The graph wont be a linear so there wont be any simple equation to get the depth. you might need to interpolate the graph to find the depth for particular ratio.
Note:Graph varies for different webcams,

If you go ahead with depth sensing camera, it will be much easier as it gives depth directly. Some depth sensing cameras are Kinect, etc

0 Kudos
Message 4 of 13

Sir, our project is regarding handicaped person(blind) , so for indoor navigation we are done with color pattern matching. In which am able to detect the color and get the audio signal for the matched pattern.But, I left with the distance measurment. YOU have suggested US to use depth sensing cameras,so can we use the same camera for the OUTDOOR navigation or else should we use a hardware like

for outdoor purpose??? if, can you please suggest ous which hardware should we use?? for measuring the outdoor objects.

  And the work which we have done is kept as a screen shot just for one matching. So,I request you to look at it and suggest us if we can do any thing for that.

                                                                          thankyou sir,

                                                                            kaja.sowmya and team

0 Kudos
Message 5 of 13


We have planned to interface arduino and labview.In the project one of the sensor uses serial communication.We have header files that can be used in the arduino only.

We request you to suggest how to import that header file into the labview.The Header file has .cpp extenstion

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Message 6 of 13

We already have the LabVIEW interface for arduino chipkit. Entire functionality can be coded in LabVIEW.

Please refer to this link and install the LV interface on the chipkit Link:

There are several examples that will make you comfortable with LV interface.

0 Kudos
Message 7 of 13

It gives same result wheather its indoor or outdoor. For getting depth data kinect or stereo cameras

Kinect can be used but its bit costly. For more details refer this link

Sterio cameras are any two cameras placed at some distance. You can purchage simple sterio camera or any two webcam can be made into sterio camera. Once u have sterio camera, you can use LabVIEW APIs to directly extract depth information of the object.

You should have vission module installed. Open Program Files (x86)\National Instruments\LabVIEW 2012\examples\Vision\Stereo Vision and connect the webcams or stereo camera and caliberated the device by capturing sample pattern

I have attached sample pattern image, take a printout of it in original size and paste it on a perfectly plane sheet before caliberating.

Please refer to this link for more information

0 Kudos
Message 8 of 13

Please send your prototype so that we can evaluate why FPGA hardware is needed. You will be given arduino chipkit(

If you need any extra hardware then please send your prototype code along with proper explanation on why you need that hardware.

0 Kudos
Message 9 of 13

sir, i found kinect drivers nd installed i m attaching a VI for deapth caluculation suggest me if any errors in the code

my dought is wheather any hardware is rquired for interfacing the kinect with the labview

thanking you

kaja sowmy team

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Message 10 of 13