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EMG Biopotentials signal processing

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I'm a student studying Biomedical Engineering. I am working on EMG. I have already made my circuit for EMG. And I'm getting the signal on the oscilloscope. I just wanted to know how to get these signals on labview and how do I analyse these signals. Any information will be really helpful.

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Message 1 of 6
Accepted by rashida2

Hi Rashida,

In order to get the signal into LabVIEW, there are two methods:

  1. Use a DAQ ( ) and use the DAQ assistant express VI to  get the signals into LabVIEW
  2. Use a Microcontroller analog pin to acquire the EMG signals and read into the LabVIEW program via serial port/USB to serial Convertor using VISA technique.


with kind regards,



Message 2 of 6

Also note that the LabVIEW Biomedical Toolkit has a ready-to-run datalogger that will acquire your ECG signal from many NI DAQ devices and stream to disk while allowing you to view the waveforms in real-time. The toolkit comes with many examples for using LabVIEW with a variety of biosignals, including EMG.

Message 3 of 6

Thanks a lot. This was really helpful

0 Kudos
Message 4 of 6

hey,,, am doing my final year project on detection and processing of Emg signals using labveiw ... actually i am so confused that how can i come into llabview fro hardware because using all components and making my own device using instrumentation amplifier and filters along with elctrodes so when we attched elctrodes on the surface of ur skin the signals generated by this are so noisy ,, is this thing is poosible using biomedical kit or we have to design that whole hardware circuit on labview ,, kindly reply meSmiley Happy

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Message 5 of 6

Your noise problem is probably related to poor layout of your circuit. But it may also be poor circuit design. Not uncommon for students that are new to circuit design. The biomedical toolkit is software only. It is not something like a magic wand that can remove your probelm related to your hardware design. Since you kind of hijacked this thread. I highly suggest you start your own thread. Good questions draw good answers. So posting all relevant information may help. Since this is more of a software forum for Labview related questions. You may be better of looking for help in a electronic forum. May I suggest or

As a friendly tip then asking for help in the latter forum. It is imperative that you in your first post. Post information like your schematics and circuit layout and pictures of your setup. In order to get proper help

Besides which, my opinion is that Express VIs Carthage must be destroyed deleted
(Sorry no Labview "brag list" so far)
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Message 6 of 6