CSLUG - Central South LabVIEW User Group (UK)

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Introduce yourselves

Hi Steve,


  I achieved the CTD about a month ago through some educated guessing in the multi-choice exam.  I believe the CTA exam is also a multi choice, but right now I am working on the CLA which involves writing code.  I am finding it much trickier than the CLD.  I think the important thing is to focus on getting the requirements into the code and not get trapped into writing code right up to the wire and not adding the requirements in, as I did last time.





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Message 61 of 76

Hi Ian 


My bad, apologies, got my CTAs and CLAs mixed up.  I would say the things to concentrate on in the CLA are the requirements, the architecture and the commenting/required functionality description you put in your code for the (fictitious) developer who picks up your architecture.


Most importantly don't study the NI TestStand Advanced Architecture Series when studying for the CLA, that is not going to help at all.😆



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Message 62 of 76

Hi All,


I'm Dave. I work at Johnson Matthey Technology Centre (JMTC) in Sonning Common near Reading.

I have recently moved from the hitting things with hammers department to the bashing head against keyboard department as Tom’s software b***h.

I have been at JMTC for 5 years as a Mechanical Engineer and have recently moved to a role as Software Engineer.

Hopefully I will be able to meet some people on the 12th.


Message 63 of 76

Wotcha Dave and Welcome to the gang.

Look forward to seeing you. Make sure you register!


Opportunity to learn from experienced developers / entrepeneurs (Fab,Joerg and Brian amongst them):
DSH Pragmatic Software Development Workshop

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Message 64 of 76

I'm Steve Brown.  I've been working, mostly in MIL AERO, at Serco for 20 years and using NI products and software for the majority of that time.  My first exposure to National Instruments was writing instrument drivers, in 'C' (LabWindows/CVI) for a TestStand sequenced automated test station (oh the nostalgia).  I didn't touch LabVIEW until version 7.1 and must confess to not being the most willing of converts to 'G', but having used LabVIEW for a few years and being run over the NI marketing steamroller on numerous occasions I can report I am now fully assimilated.


I am a pretty quiet chap that is way less grumpy than he looks (although I have my moments).  I can generally be found at the back of the room with my ears open and my mouth closed.


I am a CLA, a CTA, a CCVID (retired) and a LabVIEW Champion noob (class of 2017).  I also run the NI Community blog The Daily CLAD.

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Message 65 of 76

A big welcome to another Steve, and another Champ!

Our mission is to make you louder........


Opportunity to learn from experienced developers / entrepeneurs (Fab,Joerg and Brian amongst them):
DSH Pragmatic Software Development Workshop

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Message 66 of 76

Oh God, so much easier when in the room.

Was/am a member when Ocis Consulting............now working for my biggest customer full time.

Muc-Off..................Europes biggest manufacturing of cleaning and lube products.  I'm now head of R&D and we have Gold Medals , World Records and multiple Tour de France Wins, but still loving the hands on Engineering.

My Labview is still......dangerous, as in, my expectations out strip my ability 🙂

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Message 67 of 76

Wotcha Martin and welcome to the gang!

Your expectations should always outstrip your ability, be boring otherwise


Opportunity to learn from experienced developers / entrepeneurs (Fab,Joerg and Brian amongst them):
DSH Pragmatic Software Development Workshop

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Message 68 of 76

Hello all,

I work as a quality manager for a DC switch gear manufacturer based in South Wales, and have no existing exposure to NI products in general or programming. I did complete a 4 year engineering apprenticeship with Bosch but that was mainly mechanically biased with some fluid power, PLC and bolting controller programming. I am very keen to learn from the ground up regarding the NI kit, after a power supply was sent over from our German parent group with a straight forward NI control screen and interface to the PSU via a USB DAQ to vary the output voltage and current. It seems such an elegant simple solution I am keen to find out whatever we could not only control but test in a better manner using more modern equipment. Any advice on good resources for a complete newbie other than youtube would be appreciated cheers.

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Message 69 of 76

Hi Dramanus,

I suggest NIDays if you fancy a trip to London, this is on November 6th this year.

You also have a slightly more local user group (SoWLUG). They can be found here



If your budget allows NIWeek in Austin is over a few days and is an avalanche of info!


If you fancy paying anyone there are Alliance Members and I would always suggest using an Alliance member for any contracted work. In this group alone you will find some excellent LabVIEW contractors and we're a jolly helpful bunch.


If you are specifically interested in doing the work yourself, I would suggest investing in some training. NI provide some great training in LabVIEW and some Alliance members can help with process, design etc.


There's lot's of blogs (mine included) and some books (mine included).

If you fancy coming to a user group you could have a session called "how would I do this??". I'm sure you would get more answers than you could deal with!

Good luck!



Opportunity to learn from experienced developers / entrepeneurs (Fab,Joerg and Brian amongst them):
DSH Pragmatic Software Development Workshop

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Message 70 of 76