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Dasylab 16 - python script : operation on two inputs and one output



I'm trying to create a python script to do a special operation on two numbers, and I want to output this single result on the module.


I took a look at some samples, and on this question.

I successful created a simple script that does output = input * A + B (A and B two internal parameters of the module).


I'm more looking to combine inputs by doing something like output = inputA * InputB (the reality is more complex of course).


So my script is for now like this :


def DlgInit (self, dlg):
# Initialization of settings dialog
# Click on the help button to get more information.


self.NumInChannel = 2 # amout of connectors on modules left side
self.NumOutChannel = 1 # amount of connectors on the right side

self.DlgNumChannels = self.NumInChannel
self.DlgMaxChannels = 1 # Ly.MAX_CHANNELS


def DlgOk (self, dlg):

self.SetConnectors(self.DlgNumChannels *1 , self.DlgNumChannels /2) 



And it displays fine.


But now I'm stuck on how to code the ProcessValue module. How to reach the two inputs value in the same call ? It looks like I'm not thinking the right way on this.


And please note that when I try to run my sheet, DL says that the internal script structure is damaged...


Any advice ?

Thanks !


Best regards,



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