Enhanced Icon Editor

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Glyphs tab unexpected behavior

I am seeing a few behaviors that I think could be improved.

  • Lets say I have selected the action category and then I want to filter the visible list, I then go to the filter entry and start typing. Suddenly I am filtering the entire content (the category changed from action to all). This is not the expected behavior. The expected behavior is filtering the selected category.
  • Now, lets say that I have a filter (a keyword) entered, and I switch from all category to any other category. I can see the full content of the newly selected category while my filter is still visible??? This is a bug. Either of this two thing should happen:
  1. The filter keyword should clear when switching category <-- I think this is the prefered behavior
  2. The filter keyword should remains and the gategory should be filtered according to the keyword
  • When starting the icon editor, in a parallel process, the IE is updating the glyph list. When it is done it does update the category and displayed glyph by resetting the user current selection to all. This is not expected. The IE should be smart enough to update the list while preserving the user current selection.

This is all for now about the glyph tab.



vipm.io | jki.net

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Message 1 of 5

I totally agree, that the filter should get wiped out when switching to a different category, but I disagree with the fact, that the filter only works on the selected category.

What we could do is to add a checkbox which ties the filter to the current selected category, but if the checkbox isn't set, the filter is applied to ALL glyphs/templates

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Message 2 of 5


About the filter scope. If you think about existing software that use this concept, they only work on the "visible list".

For instance:

Firefox with multiple tab open: The "CTRL + F (Find)" works only on the visible tab.

Skype: CTRL + F works only on the visible chat text (not the entire history).

VIPM (I am hesitant to use that example since we wrote it): it work only on the visible list.

I am actually trying to find one instance of another software that I use where a filter/find does not work on the visible/select list but more globally but I am drawing a blank.

May be this is only me, but the way I understand the meaning of these filter GUI element is a follow: "Find me in the long list of displayed item the one(s) that match the text I am typing".



vipm.io | jki.net

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Message 3 of 5

You are right, I can neither think of a program that applies the filter on everything although the user has selected a subgroup already.

The reason why it is different in the IE is the categorization: If someone would build the entire glyph repository by himself/herself, I would immediately agree, that the filter text should only search in the list of visible items, BUT in case of the IE, most of the users are never going to touch the glyphs on disc, which means that there is not really a feeling for a noob which category is associated to certain glyphs.I still struggle with the location of the majority of glyphs, therefore I highly appreciate it that the IE switches for me to all glyphs automatically.

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Message 4 of 5

In the latest version (1.4 and greater) I fixed the following:

  • [Bug Fix] Flush glyph filter when changing glyph category.
  • [New Feature] Glyph filter works only on the visible category and does not reset the category to all anymore.

Note: About the filter scope feature, I code it by adding one input (the category tag name) to the VI that does the filtering. If this input is missing, it revert to the previous behavior.


vipm.io | jki.net

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Message 5 of 5