Enhanced Icon Editor

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Manual User Input bug?

Hallo to everybody... I am new in this group.

Since I had some problems in Sincronizing with ni.com Icon Library the program proposed me the option of sincronizing manually.

After having set the .zip and the .xml paths I found that the OK button in Manual User Input do... nothing.

I had a look at the code and I found that the event case for "OK" always set FALSE the EXIT for TRUE node of the main while loop.

So I modified the diagram adding an OR function...


It seems to me, if I am not wrong, that this can solve the problem...

Thanks to all for the great Enhanced Icon Editor... and sorry for my poor English!!



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Message 1 of 3

Hi Marco,

really good catch!

I guess that you are using a proxy server, therefore the HTTP request doesn't go through.

I am kinda embarrassed that I didn't see this problem when I run some basic tests on this dialog.

I have created CAR 182828.



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Message 2 of 3

Hi Tom,

you have no reason to be embarassed .

I know very well how difficult is to test every branch of a program, out of the "main stream"...

I got the problem because I hit it by accident almost immediatly. One of the first thing I tested in LW2009 is the new Icon editor.

At work I have access to the internet through a firewall, as you supposed, so my request of sincronizing were refused.

Trying to investigate the error I discovered, first of all, that the code for the new Icon Editor is "open source".

This is really GREAT!!! Thanks to NI...

You know the rest of the story...



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