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Trouble with USB Type-B port

One of our RoboRios appears to have a problem with its USB type-B port. When we plug it into a computer to access it via, the computer doesn't detect that it's connected. We're using a known good USB cable and we're certain that all of the NI software is functioning correctly on the computer we're hooking it up to. Plugging the same computer into our second and third RoboRios works flawlessly with this same USB cable.

The RoboRio with the non-functioning port appears to be working okay otherwise. We can access the web interface through the wired interface and driving the robot works as it should.

Has anyone else seen a similar problem??

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Message 1 of 8

Not this problem but my USB cord is stuck in the roborio.

0 Kudos
Message 2 of 8

For the first problem, do you see the same behavior when connected to other computers?

For the second, find a thin piece of plastic (or something similar) and slide it down gently into the USB port.  Then, gently pull the USB cable.  That should release the cable.

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Message 3 of 8

Thanks for your repsonse.

First no this did not happen when it was used with other devices.

Second we have tried this with no success.

We taped the end with electrical tap and will he zipped to the board when not end use.

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Message 4 of 8

There's a small hook in the USB port on the roboRIO that is designed to prevent the cord from coming out of the roboRIO.  Sometimes, that hook gets stuck.  That's why I suggest sliding the hard flat plastic down.  That should cause the hook to release and allow you to remove the cable.

The other devices question was for the person that originally created this thread.  It would have been better to post your own thread as your issue wasn't the same.  That would make replying to both of you less confusing as everything would be related to the issue you're seeing.

Is the electrical tape and zipped solution something you're doing now because the cable is still stuck?

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Message 5 of 8

Thanks for the follow up.

We see the same problem on multiple computers. Each of the laptops can connect fine to our other two RoboRios through this port. It's just this one RoboRio that's giving us this issue.

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Message 6 of 8

The issue is very specific to roboRIO/USB Cable combinations.  The same cable will work amazing with most roboRIOs and stick in one.  The roboRIO that has a cable stick will be just fine with other cables.

If you view the roboRIO so that the text on it is in the correct orientation, you have to DIO and PWM ports on the right/left sides of the roboRIO.  If we look at the USB port with the same orientation, you'll want to slide a thin, hard piece of plastic into the left side of the USB port to disengage the hook.  Then, pull up on the USB cable to get it free.

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Message 7 of 8

We have exactly the same problem with one of our roboRIO's. 
The USB type-B connection is not working. We can communicate to the roboRIO via Wifi, and otherwise it works fine. The roboRIO was working fine up until recently. Swapping this roboRIO for another one, using exactly the same software and cables, and the system works fine. It's just this one USB type-B connector that is not working. 

I'm wondering if this can be a mechanical connection problem? Are the contacts not contacting? Visually, they look fine, and I cleaned them with a Q-tip and 99% Isopropyl Alcohol, just in case. How do you test electrical connectivity?

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Message 8 of 8