LUGNuts: LabVIEW User Group for Connecticut

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LabVIEW Craftsmanship Workshop

I am working with NI to put together the LabVIEW Craftsmanship Workshop that will take place the evening before NI Days Boston.  The topic is going to be the S.O.L.I.D. object-oriented design principles, with a focus on the SRP, OCP, and LSP.  NI is going to be sending out invitations to all CLAD, CLD, and CLA cerfticiation holders in the northeast, but I know that not everyone in our user group holds one of these certifications.  If you are in this group and dont hold a certification but are interested in attending let me know and I will see what I can do on your behalf.  If you just want to take a look at these ideas and see what they are <Shameless Plug>check out my blog over the next few weeks</Shameless Plug>.


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Good afternoon,

We are excited to announce the return of our LabVIEW Craftsmanship Workshop. This event will be held in conjunction with the NIDays Boston Conference in November. Secure your spot now

Attend the LabVIEW Craftsmanship Workshop for the following opportunities:

  • Network and exchange best practices with other certified LabVIEW users and NI engineers
  • Learn about techniques for advanced development
  • Take advantage of exclusive opportunities to meet one-on-one with NI’s Alliance Partner developers

More agenda details are coming soon, but the preliminary agenda highlights SOLID design principles fo object-oriented programming and how they can be applied in LabVIEW.
Submit your RSVP by replying to this email or submit to Jordan Brackett at jordan-brackett at

LabVIEW Craftsmanship Workshop
November 3, 2014
Boston, Massachusetts

Cost: This event is complimentary as part of your LabVIEW certification.

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Hey Everyone,

If you are not NI certified but wish to attend the LabVIEW Craftsmanship Workshop then you will need to send an email to Jordan Brackett at NI by clicking on this link here: Secure your spot now.

Set the subject line of the email to: LabVIEW Craftsmanship Workshop, and let her know that you would like to be registered to attend.

Let me know if you have any questions.



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