LabVIEW Interface for Arduino Discussions

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ADS1115 Labview Interface for Arduino

pls kindly help upload the VI

0 Kudos
Message 11 of 32

this the all configuration off them

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Message 13 of 32



how can I use your VI to read 2 differential inputs?



0 Kudos
Message 14 of 32

here is the VI that  you can use

remember this is the all configuration. You only need to send the bits 


note i edit the mesage

please not use this VI its have a problem with the bolean convertion please use a VI thats i post later 



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Message 15 of 32

always remember that when you use a arduino to read or write sometime you have to install a time delay in your VI because  if you send a  comand to read the arduino need time to process the comand and if you send a new read comand the arduino dont have time to finish the firts comand normali i use a 5mS time delay 

I detect it when I try to read two analog input of arduino. I only recive noise but when i instal a time delay I fix the problem

0 Kudos
Message 16 of 32

this vi is functional i chek it last VI i upload is wrong theris a problem with the bolean convertion



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Message 17 of 32



thanks for your help!


I tried your VI with the LINX toolkit but I always get this error:


0 Kudos
Message 18 of 32

tonight y will check your VI but i see that you use I2C address =48 and the ADS works with only this address


address pin conected to                                            address selected

gnd                                                                                72

vdd                                                                                73

sda                                                                                74

scl                                                                                  75


remenber you only can select this 4 address 

try to conect the address pint to gnd and use the addres 71 instead 48


i will ched your vi tonight


0 Kudos
Message 19 of 32

thats  right i check you VI with the address 72 and its works remember to use the address 72 you have to connect the address pin to GND


i use a arduino mega buts is the same


i edit the answer  i use 72 in decimal thats the same 48 in exadecimal

 72 decimal is the same x48 

you can fix the problem using 72 in decimal or use 48 in exa(x48)


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Message 20 of 32