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Does access scope change the way Object oriented code compiles or executes

I have started using Acess Scope (Private/Public/Protected/Friend) in my code and I am wondering if ti changes the way the software is compiled and executed.


I am suffering a 6 minute pre-load startup time and am scrambling to find aything that helps.


Tim L.



iTm - Senior Systems Engineer
uses: LABVIEW 2012 SP1 x86 on Windows 7 x64. cFP, cRIO, PXI-RT
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Hi Timmar,


I don’t think that the Access Scope is the cause of this long pre-load time. However, you can try to set to public in order to see if that makes any change.


I think this long pre-load time could be related to how many files (VIs and dependencies) are included in your project. Also, if you move the Project folder to a different location (or computer) the next time that you try to open the project it will take a little while to open.





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