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Help with a Final Proyect

Hello, I am a student and I need help with a project that was assigned to me.
Basically I must create a voucher automation process to use the objects available in an electronics workshop using LABVIEW. In this program, it is desired that when entering a student's data (Name, Control Number, Major and Semester) in a user interface, a database can be accessed that shows the objects available for use. and that at the time the object is selected, a ticket is generated that shows the student's information, the name of the object that is desired to be used, its serial number, as well as the date and time that the object was loaned as well as the time at which which must be returned.
You must recognize 6 different students
There must be 6 different objects
Each object must have 6 stocks as well as be identified with a serial number.
Each object must be stored in a database that shows: name, serial number, stock and status (In use or available) and the name of the student who is using it. Likewise, the program must track them and must also show changes each time an object has been lent and returned.
All of this should also go into an Excel sheet. that shows the name of the student, semester, major, name of the equipment that you want to use, serial number and that shows its status (in use or available) and the time in which the object was loaned and the time in which it must be returned All This program made in LABVIEW must be compiled into an executable .exe file

The problem with this is that almost everything I describe I haven't seen in class, and the teacher basically left us to our own devices. Therefore I don't know how to start, so if you can give me a hand I will be very grateful


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Message 1 of 5

@CodyMaster wrote:
Hello, I am a student and I need help with a project that was assigned to me. Basically I must create a voucher automation process to use the objects available in an electronics workshop using LABVIEW. In this program, it is desired that when entering a student's data (Name, Control Number, Major and Semester) in a user interface, a database can be accessed that shows the objects available for use and that at the time the object is selected, a ticket is generated that shows the student's information, the name of the object that is desired to be used, its serial number, as well as the date and time that the object was loaned as well as the time at which which must be returned. You must recognize 6 different students There must be 6 different objects. Each object must have 6 stocks as well as be identified with a serial number. Each object must be stored in a database that shows: name, serial number, stock and status (In use or available) and the name of the student who is using it. Likewise, the program must track them and must also show changes each time an object has been lent and returned. All of this should also go into an Excel sheet. that shows the name of the student, semester, major, name of the equipment that you want to use, serial number and that shows its status (in use or available) and the time in which the object was loaned and the time in which it must be returned All This program made in LABVIEW must be compiled into an executable .exe file The problem with this is that almost everything I describe I haven't seen in class, and the teacher basically left us to our own devices. Therefore I don't know how to start, so if you can give me a hand I will be very grateful


Here's your post without using code tags so we can actually read it. As a first step, exactly define the meaning of all terms uses (ticket, object, stocks, etc.).


The ability to write a program is a general skill and I am sure you learned all the tools to apply them to very different problems. Without any reference to any programming language, try to compose an outline of the program. What are the inputs and what are the outputs and what should happen as a function of user interaction, time and state.

Message 2 of 5
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Message 3 of 5

My guess is that if you had attended all the classes and done all the homework, you wouldn't be lost now.

As for a starting point, I recommend NI's tutorials on LabVIEW.

Message 4 of 5

@CodyMaster wrote:

From LabVIEW - NI Community, follow:



Then, make an effort, and ask us to help with your attempts.


We won't do homework, but we do help you do the work.

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