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I have a question about vi properties

Hello, I'm using the 2015 version

When run Source, [FP.Behavior] is change

But after build, run exe, [FP.Behavior] is not change

How can i do?

I'm atta


ching a picture of the program

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Message 1 of 3

Just a guess.

Most likely, when you're running from source, those VIs (whose behavior you want to change) are in memory; so the change remains in force until you close them.

When you're running the build app, the VIs aren't being loaded into memory until "Open VI Reference" is called.  Then when you call "Close Reference", the VI is unloaded and the change is lost.


You need an initialization routine that opens the VIs, changes the FP behavior, then leaves the references open for later use.

And you need a shutdown routing that closes the references.

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Message 2 of 3

I addition to what has been said, what are these VIs you are operating on? Are they inside the executable?


Why is the control inside the loop? Do you expect the value to change while the loop is running?

What's the purpose of all this. What problem are you trying to solve?

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