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LabVIEW Compatibility under Linux

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Hallo community,


I was wondering whether it is possible to build an application with the Application-Builder on LabVIEW 2024Q1 on a Linux Red Hat 8 machine, but run the application on a Red Hat 7 machine with the 2024Q1 Runtime.


Further I would like to know if there are any newer documentation about the compatibility with Linux and LabVIEW, because I wanted to know which latest LabVIEW Version is supported on Red Hat 7.


The following link shows a list with the possibilities, but only shows until LabVIEW Version 2022 Q3:


Archiviert: Kompatibilität von LabVIEW mit Linux-Betriebssystemen - NI


Thanks for anyone's contribution to my questions.

Best regards, Musa

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Message 1 of 3
Accepted by topic author musa_

This roadmap seems to infer that Red Hat 7 is not supported with LabVIEW 2023 or later


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Message 2 of 3

I don't use the Linux versions so I can't address that specifically, but "not supported" doesn't always mean "doesn't work". 


LabVIEW 2016 doesn't "support" Windows 11 but I have run an EXE built in 2016 on Windows 11 without problems.


"Not supported" can be as simple as meaning "we're not testing our builds on this any more, so if it doesn't work we don't consider that a problem".  It can also mean "We did test it and found an issue, but we don't think many people still use it compared to the effort it would take to fix the issue so we're dropping support".


Is there a specific reason you want to use LabVIEW 2024 to build for an older system?  I can't think of any new features in the last two years that should cause any program to stop working if you just saved all your files as older versions and uses the last supported 2022 version.

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Message 3 of 3