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LabView silent install not working

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Hello everybody,


I would like to silent install LabView V21.0 with this commandline: \install.exe /q /acceptlicense yes, but everytime I get this message "The command-line includes one or more obsolete options, Remove /q from the command line"

When I remove the  /q part, the license is not auto-accepted.  In the older versions of LabView I just used setup.exe /q /acceptlicenses yes /r:n without any problems.


Is this a bug in the installerfile?


Thanks,  Michel



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Message 1 of 5

Just to make sure, have you tried with "/acceptlicenses yes"? I noticed your first one said license instead of licenses.

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Message 2 of 5

Hi Gregory,


Thanks for your reply.

I also tried that, with the same result.

I'm not sure if the commandline is casesensitive thus I also tried /AcceptLicenses yes


So, the final result for now is that I see the licenseagreements screen on my desktop.

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Message 3 of 5
Accepted by topic author Michel_71

As LabVIEW 21.0 is a Package Manager-based installer, the command-line parameters have changed. These are now the instructions for silent\unattended installation:

Message 4 of 5

Thanks WesW, it's working!

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Message 5 of 5