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Plotting of Waterfall in Lab View From The Continuous Data Stream Coming From Interfaced Software RTSA Suite Pro

I just want to plot waterfall graph in Lab View from the data received from interfaced software RTSA Suite Pro. I am attaching my VI with some default data. The waterfall I want to plot is same as shown in pic below.


 If you need any other thing kindly ask.

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Message 11 of 22

Hi qureshi,


@qureshi000 wrote:

I am attaching my VI with some default data. The waterfall I want to plot is same as shown in pic below.

If you need any other thing kindly ask.

Your VI contains one (1) waveform. A waterfall plot typically contains several/many waveforms…


  • Your image is still a big blueish rectangle and doesn't look like the example I linked to: please show a real "waterfall plot" of your data!
  • Probably you need to read several waveforms from your device and create a waterfall plot from them. Did you even try to use the mentioned 3DGraph "waterfall plot" provided by LabVIEW?
Best regards,

using LV2016/2019/2021 on Win10/11+cRIO, TestStand2016/2019
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Message 12 of 22

I do not have that kind of pic of waterfall which you are asking. I only have bluish pic of waterfall plot from RTSA Suite Pro and that is the plot I want to plot in Lab View. Also I try but do not know how to use 3DGraph "waterfall plot" provided by Lab View. I do not understand what input I should give to that VI.

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Message 13 of 22

Hi qureshi,


@qureshi000 wrote:

I do not have that kind of pic of waterfall which you are asking. I only have bluish pic of waterfall plot from RTSA Suite Pro and that is the plot I want to plot in Lab View.

I guess we need to clarify the wording:

Do you need a waterfall plot or do you need a spectrogram?

Best regards,

using LV2016/2019/2021 on Win10/11+cRIO, TestStand2016/2019
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Message 14 of 22

It should be Spectrogram but there should be frequency on x-axis and time on y-axis with automatic set correct range of axis as shown in bluish graph as shown in figure below.


On x-axis frequency is in between 1480.83 MHz and 1519.13 MHz and on y-axis time is in between 0 to -300 ms.

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Message 15 of 22

Hi qureshi,


@qureshi000 wrote:

It should be Spectrogram but there should be frequency on x-axis and time on y-axis with automatic set correct range of axis as shown in bluish graph as shown in figure below.

Use an IntensityGraph and scale the axes as needed (using the scale properties offset/multiplier)!

Best regards,

using LV2016/2019/2021 on Win10/11+cRIO, TestStand2016/2019
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Message 16 of 22

I scale the waveform graph and now range of axes is correct. It was possible because waveform graph had correct values of amplitudes. So, it can be scaled but in case of spectrogram how can I scale it if it is not giving correct values. I am giving direct 2D array of values to intensity graph. I think there would be some logic or VIs required before intensity graph VI. The format required for correct waveform graph was SGL. SO, I think some specific format should be required for spectrogram. But I do not know what or how to do?
My VI with some default data is attached and the pic of required output of spectrogram is given below:


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Message 17 of 22

Hi qureshi,


@qureshi000 wrote:

It was possible because waveform graph had correct values of amplitudes. So, it can be scaled but in case of spectrogram how can I scale it if it is not giving correct values.

You can apply the same scaling for the axes of the intensity graph!


@qureshi000 wrote:

 I am giving direct 2D array of values to intensity graph. I think there would be some logic or VIs required before intensity graph VI. …

But I do not know what or how to do?

Right now you display just one message/waveform/spectrum on your intensity graph.

You need to collect several messages/waveforms/spectra in a 2D array (using a shift register and BuildArray) to get your desired spectrum view on the intensity graph…

Btw. when you receive a 1D array within your message then you also should unflatten to a 1D array…



  • Please switch off the labels on functions. Use the context help window instead!
  • I don't have the TFA toolkit installed and so I don't know what that subVI is good for…
Best regards,

using LV2016/2019/2021 on Win10/11+cRIO, TestStand2016/2019
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Message 18 of 22

Time ranges between 0 to -2 sec in RTSA Suite Pro as shown in figure below:


But in Lab View values lies between time 0 to 1 sec. If I change the time axes values from 0 to 1 sec to 1 to -2 sec plot becomes blank as shown in figure below.

How can I set this issue?

0 Kudos
Message 19 of 22

Hi qureshi,


@qureshi000 wrote:

But in Lab View values lies between time 0 to 1 sec. If I change the time axes values from 0 to 1 sec to 1 to -2 sec plot becomes blank as shown in figure below.

How can I set this issue?

As I wrote before:

You need to collect several messages/waveforms/spectra in a 2D array (using a shift register and BuildArray) to get your desired spectrum view on the intensity graph…

Best regards,

using LV2016/2019/2021 on Win10/11+cRIO, TestStand2016/2019
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Message 20 of 22