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How to connect to OPC UA server of another device

Dear CVI experts!


I am working on a project that collects data by accessing an OPC UA server. A local server was created using “KEPServerEX 6 Configuration”. Afterwards, I was able to check the data using the CVI OPC Client example. However, what I really need is to connect to a server on a device other than the local server and retrieve data. I even confirmed that other device servers were connected through the "UaExpert" program. However, the OPC server searched in the CVI OPC Client example cannot be found. Please help me!

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Message 1 of 5

When you connect to s OPC (or any other TCP server) you specify the network address of that server. It sounds like ypur examples use “localhost” as address, which is not surprising as an example is usually built to work without extrrnal hardware for demonstration purposes.

Simply change that address to the network address of the device your new OPC server is running on. 

Rolf Kalbermatter
My Blog
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Message 2 of 5

I finally understand the difference between DA and UA. In CVI2017, only DA was available. I want to do UA communication, but I can't find a way to connect my OPC UA client. Even when I searched for information posted on the community, no results came up. I want to use OPC UA client in CVI. I also thought about the open source open62541 posted on github, but it's beyond my capabilities... I need help on what to do...

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Message 3 of 5

look at this thread, it's all already done

Davide Vittorio G. - TLGB S.R.L.
Italian SW Developer
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Message 4 of 5

Thank you! I will work on my project based on this. We will provide feedback on the results.

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Message 5 of 5