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NI-DAQmx Base 15.0 on 64bit OpenSuse

Hi all,

I am currently trying to set up a 64-bit OpenSuse 13.2 with the NI-6143 DAQ card. I want to read out the card with the NI-DAQmx Base software. I found this manual ( for setting this up. My problem now is, that I can not find the 15.0 version of NI-DAQmx Base. It seems to me like OpenSuse 13.2 will likely be supported by version 15, because it is also supported by NI-VISA 15.0, but I can not find it. Do you have any experience with where I can get it and if there are other things I should be careful with when doing the installation? From what I get from the on-line manual, I have to be careful to only install 32bit packages. I want to read out the DAQ card with simply c-programs, compiled as 32-bit applications. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Message 1 of 10

OlGerb86 wrote:

I am currently trying to set up a 64-bit OpenSuse 13.2 with the NI-6143 DAQ card. I want to read out the card with the NI-DAQmx Base software. I found this manual ( for setting this up. My problem now is, that I can not find the 15.0 version of NI-DAQmx Base. It seems to me like OpenSuse 13.2 will likely be supported by version 15, because it is also supported by NI-VISA 15.0, but I can not find it. Do you have any experience with where I can get it and if there are other things I should be careful with when doing the installation?

Hi 🙂

The reason you cannot find NI-DAQmx Base 15.0 is because it hasn't been released yet. The driver is about to enter beta, and if you would like to participate in the beta program, please send me a private message with your email address.

For other readers, these are the Linux distributions that NI-DAQmx Base 15.0 supports:

  • OpenSUSE 13.1 and 13.2 (x86)
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux WS 6 and 7 (x86/x86_64)
  • Scientific Linux 6.x (x86/x86_64)
  • CentOS 7 (x86_64)
Joe Friedchicken
NI Configuration Based Software
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Message 2 of 10

Joe Friedrichsen wrote:

The reason you cannot find NI-DAQmx Base 15.0 is because it hasn't been released yet.

The driver has been released 🙂

See this post:

Note for 64-bit openSUSE:

How Do I Use DAQmx Base 15.0 with OpenSUSE 64-bit?

This is an incompatibility we intend to address, although no schedule has been made at this time.

Joe Friedchicken
NI Configuration Based Software
Get with your fellow OS users
[ Linux ] [ macOS ]
Principal Software Engineer :: Configuration Based Software
Senior Software Engineer :: Multifunction Instruments Applications Group (until May 2018)
Software Engineer :: Measurements RLP Group (until Mar 2014)
Applications Engineer :: High Speed Product Group (until Sep 2008)
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Message 3 of 10

Was this ever addressed? It was a nasty surprise, after putting a bunch of time into getting an OpenSUSE box set up and putting a bunch of other tools on it, to run into this message: "Sorry, NI-DAQmx Base cannot be installed on OpenSUSE 64-bit."


Not sure if I missed a bunch of obvious warnings, but from what I saw on your site (before seeing this message), it sure as heck seemed like NI-DAQmx Base was supposed to work on OpenSUSE... and I just assumed, it being 2018 and all, that that meant OpenSUSE 64-bit.


If this hasn't been addressed... please tell me I don't have to start over with another OS.

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Message 4 of 10

Ugh. Dangit. Easy to see it coming, in retrospect:


  • openSUSE 13.1 and 13.2 (x86)

Still, though... has there been progress on this since 2015?

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Message 5 of 10

Switched to CentOS with the CERN PREEMPT_RT kernel - seems to be working well.

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Message 6 of 10



This is my first post on NI forum but I am a regular user (under windows and labview).

My need is on USB-600x card for use but not on windows (for many different reasons). I cannot really accept to have new install with obsolete OS (I have my card running happily under OpenSuse 13.2 and scientific Linux 6.9) and the 64 bit architecture should be supported (I am a regular Debian family user and multi-arch works nicely).

Seeing the previous post makes me want more information, how did you ever find that combination to work ? Is there a specific version to use (once again, some obsolete one ...) ?


Best regards.

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Message 7 of 10


Seeing the previous post makes me want more information, how did you ever find that combination to work ? Is there a specific version to use (once again, some obsolete one ...) ?

For serious practical applications: forget it. There is no Linux support.


For playing around: you could pick an ancient Distro (w/ ancient 2.6 kernel) in a VM and route the USB device into the VM. With some hacking you could get something running. Depending on moon phase, neighbour's wife's daily mood, etc, it might work, or not.


Linux Embedded / Kernel Hacker / BSP / Driver development / Systems engineering
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Message 8 of 10

Addendum: I still absolutely can't understand, why NI doesn't just publish specs for these devices, so we could write our own drivers. Wouldn't be a big deal - writing IIO drivers is quite simple and straightforward, we've got a very active and helpful community there.


OTOH, it really shouldn't be a big deal for NI to add an IIO backend to their application stack, so LV+co can easily access any IIO supported device. Same for the cRIO platforms.




Linux Embedded / Kernel Hacker / BSP / Driver development / Systems engineering
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Message 9 of 10

So it turns out that when I said it was "working nicely," I was making a pretty optimistic projection. Back again, scouring the forums. This isn't the right thread for my current problems, but I wanted to set the record straight.


+1 the previous poster's comment on the driver situation. Things don't have to be this painful.

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Message 10 of 10