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Serial number for LabVIEW installation

When you install LabVIEW for Linux, does the serial number get recorded anywhere?  I need to see which serial number of Labview is installed on a specific computer and it does not show up on the "about Labview" screen.  Can someone point me to where I can find this information?


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Message 1 of 5

This is something that is not currently done for Linux. If you would like this to be a feature, please request it of National Instruments.

Message 2 of 5

Thanks Randy.  That is just what I needed to know.

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 5

What are you trying to do? Perhaps we can help think of a different solution.


Joe Friedchicken
NI Configuration Based Software
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Principal Software Engineer :: Configuration Based Software
Senior Software Engineer :: Multifunction Instruments Applications Group (until May 2018)
Software Engineer :: Measurements RLP Group (until Mar 2014)
Applications Engineer :: High Speed Product Group (until Sep 2008)
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Message 4 of 5

We purchased several copies of LabVIEW for Linux and have them installed on several computers in our lab.  We would just like to keep track on which copy of LabVIEW was installed where.  Sound like we just need to keep track of that another way.  Maybe we can just create a text file on the system that holds the installation information.

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Message 5 of 5