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Unable to Test PCI-6221 with NI-DAQmx (8.0.1) or NI-DAQmxBase (3.7)

Redhat 5.1.3 was loaded, followed by NI-DAQmxbase 3.7.  lsdaq properly describes the DAQ Card as PCI-6221.  A driver that we build for our RF SIM requires the full NILIB, so we also loaded NI-DAQmx (8.0.1) on top of 3.7.  This loaded without error, however, per Knowledge Article (kA00Z0000019MCVSA2) we did comment out any reference to the PCI-6221.  Neither nidatalogger nor mxbaseconfig allow me to test the DAQ board.  They come up on screen but seem to be hard-coded and provide generic data.  Some areas are greyed out and won't let me create a task.  I also tried the AI example for acquireNScans, but it too comes up with generic data.  By generic, I mean that I short out the AI1 input to AIGND and the data onscreen continues to come up with data near -10V or +10V, never around 0V.  I'm looking for a simple means to verify just one Analog Input.  Any feedback is appreciated.

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You're using a 15 years old distro ? Seriously ?

Linux Embedded / Kernel Hacker / BSP / Driver development / Systems engineering
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