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can't run updateNIDrivers


I'm having trouble running updateNIDrivers with the latest Fedora 10 kernel. updateNIDrivers falls back to the previous kernel, without explaining why. Here's the output:

[root@pekkala NIKAL-1.9]# uname -a
Linux pekkala #1 SMP Mon Mar 23 23:08:10 EDT 2009 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

[root@pekkala NIKAL-1.9]# updateNIDrivers
******************************** ERROR ****************************************
* The version of gcc in the path does not match the version of gcc used to    *
* compile the currently running kernel.  This can cause unpredictable         *
* behavior in kernel drivers and should be fixed.                             *
* gcc version: 4.4.0                                                          *
* kernel compiled with: 4.3.2                                                 *
******************************** ERROR ****************************************
Removing NI-KAL (nikal): done
/bin/rm -rf objects
Updating NI-KAL:
NI-KAL successfully updated.
warning: configured for kernel version
warning: which is not the currently running kernel
Updating client modules:
nipalk.ko successfully updated.
ni488k.ko successfully updated.
ni488lock.ko successfully updated.
NiViPxiK.ko successfully updated.
NiViPciK.ko successfully updated.
National Instruments kernel drivers have been successfully installed.
You can now use your NI products when you boot into kernel

(Running against the earlier kernel generates the same gcc warning, but it works.)

Running LabView causes a crash, of course:

[mjclab@pekkala ~]$ labview /fileserver/mjcfiles/op1b/labview/AVTTCAL.llb failed to initialize
Perhaps you need to run updateNIDrivers

It isn't a "MODVERSION" issue:

[root@pekkala ~]# grep MODVERSIONS /boot/config-2.6.27.*
/boot/config- CONFIG_MODVERSIONS is not set
/boot/config- CONFIG_MODVERSIONS is not set
/boot/config- CONFIG_MODVERSIONS is not set

Any suggestions?

- Mike

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The /boot/config* files are exactly the same, actually, except for version info.

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Hi Mike,

I'd need to take a closer look at the updateNIDrivers script to figure out why it says it is configured for your older kernel.  It may simply be because NI-KAL is erroring out with your current kernel, so it falls back to the old one.  I'm guessing you really just want it to work with your current kernel.

avtechmjc wrote:

******************************** ERROR ****************************************
* The version of gcc in the path does not match the version of gcc used to    *
* compile the currently running kernel.  This can cause unpredictable         *
* behavior in kernel drivers and should be fixed.                             *
* gcc version: 4.4.0                                                          *
* kernel compiled with: 4.3.2                                                 *
******************************** ERROR ****************************************

Actually this error means exactly what it says.  The version of your C compiler, gcc 4.4.0, is different from the version of the C compiler used to build the latest kernel, gcc 4.3.2.  Since NI-KAL is a small C kernel module, it should be compiled with the same version of gcc as your kernel.  The only way I know to fix this is upgrade/downgrade your kernel or gcc versions until they match.  So if you are running the latest Fedora 10 kernel, then you may need to downgrade gcc to version 4.3.2.  You can always file a bug report to Fedora since these versions should always match or you can't build external kernel modules.

Shawn Bohrer

National Instruments

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