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Welcome to LabVIEW Sparse Linear Algebra Library

Oh, thanks for reminding me of the +1 row element on item 1). I read that in the Intel notes and then totally forgot about it in the VI. I'll try that again with the extra element.

On 4), my matrix values change slightly each iteration, but not the structure. Thus, I am guessing that I only need to do the Analysis once and the Factorization + Adv-Solver each iteration. Does that sound right?

I am looking forward to additional HPAL and SLAL routines. With some of the features LabVIEW now supports, it makes a great numerical platform (I use Matlab quite a bit too, but want to move everything to LV ).

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Message 11 of 13

Currently, the library can not handle your case where values are changed but not the pattern. That is to say, you have to do all steps in each iteration. Or, you can use the simple API version of PARDISO solver.

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Message 12 of 13

Have you considered a 64-bit version of this library?  These routines would certainly be useful for large datasets.

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Message 13 of 13