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Multi-Y Graph Feedback

Hello Lynn,

is it possible to add a functionality for a second X-channel? So the first Y-channel is plot vs. the first X-channel and the second Y-channel is plot vs. the second X-channel.

With best regards Thomas

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Message 11 of 15

Hi Thomas,

Yes, its definitely possible but would require changes to the dialog and background engine which would not be trivial and those changes are out of the scope of this object. However, please feel free to take the source code and modify it to your liking so that it suites your needs.

Best Regards,


National Instruments
Senior Systems Engineer
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Message 12 of 15


I am trying to recompile "Multi-Y Ver.2013" for Veristand 2015 sp1 by using Labview 2015.

But, the build was unsuccessful. there are some trouble with missing files.

Can i get the Multi-Y soruce or bulid file for VeriStand 2015 sp1?   

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Message 13 of 15

Thats great  And that meet my need> Can you show me? and  THANKSSS

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Message 14 of 15

Multi-Y ayes may be needed

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Message 15 of 15