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SimPowerSystems timestamped solver

The developers of SimPowerSystems have recently released an example of a new timestamped solver.  They presented about the technology briefly at NI Week this year, but this is the first public exposure and discussion of the solver.


The implications of this are pretty interesting for real-time simulations of power electronics systems.  The approach uses a very high-speed loop in FPGA to accurately capture digital events and then passes the timing of those events to a more traditional solver running on the CPU of the real-time test system.  This timestamping allows simulations to be run at CPU speeds but have the accuracy of something run with a much smaller timestep.

If you are a user of SimPowerSystems, take a minute to look at this apprach and try it out with a couple of models.  I would also encourage you to post feedback or questions on the Matlab Central cite.  If this is interesting to you, please make sure you leave positive feedback on the example.

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