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Problem with deploying VeriStand to cRIO-9074

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Hi all,


I'm playing around with VeriStand 2010 and my cRIO-9074. I'm just trying to deploy a very simple VeriStand application to the cRIO but I cannot get VeriStand to connect properly to the cRIO. I get error 63. Could it be a problem that the cRIO is configured using LabVIEW 2009 and I use VeriStand 2010? Looking in MAX at the software on the cRIO it contains NI-RIO 3.4.0 (minimal) which contains LabVIEW Real-Time 9.0.1.


Any other ideas?




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Message 1 of 6



that is certainly one problem. I am wondering why the software installation wizard didn't catch/consider the minimum requirements for NI Veristand 2010. You get error 63 due to the fact that the NIVeristand executable on the cRIO is not running.

Do you mind to uninstall everything from your cRIO and to pick afterward only NI VeriStand 2010 to install (take the custom installation path). Once you have selected NI VeriStand 2010 vall required dependencies get automatically selected.


Let me know if that worked.



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Message 2 of 6

Hi Tom,


Thanks for the answer.


I'm still struggling with the same problem. Where do I find the VeriStand 2010 engine to be installed on the cRIO? I've downloaded the NI-RIO 3.5.1 but in there I find nothing seemingly associated with VeriStand.


I run MAX 4.7 and have now also installed LabVIEW 2010.




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Message 3 of 6

Hi Martin,


In MAX, if you right click the software section of your cRIO device and select add/remove software, there will be an option for NI Veristand RT Engine 2010.0. This needs to be installed. Once installed you should be able to deploy your Veristand Project to the target.

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Message 4 of 6
Accepted by topic author cmh

In the Add/Remove Software dialog for your cRIO in MAX you might also have to select Custom Installation to see the VeriStand Engine installation component.

Jarrod S.
National Instruments
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Message 5 of 6

The VeriStand engine was hiding in the Custom Installation. Thank you.

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Message 6 of 6