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Depandancy conflict when installing NI-VISA 5.2 under OpenSuse 12.3

Hello everybody,

my name is Alberto, I am italian and I'm new to the forum.

Thanks at all for your help.

I have a new problem on openSuse 12.3 with LabVIEW 2011SP1-f1.

I have installed NI-VISA 5.3 changing line 2264 of "INSTALL" file in this way:

#      $RPM -Uvh $RPMOpts $installPackageList

      zypper in $RPMOpts $installPackageList

I also applied the Nikal patch and all the installations ends without any error.

The new problem is that "gpibexlorer" does not detect the PCI-GPIB card installed and "visaconf" detect only "ASRLx :: INSTR".

The two program don't detected any error but the GPIB devices are not usable.

The output of "lsmod |grep ni" is:

nidimk                328435  0

niorbk                100920  1 nidimk

ni488lock              16105  0

ni488k                288107  0

nipalk               1222197  5 nidimk,niorbk,ni488lock,ni488k

nikal                  82606  1 nipalk

Can you help me for the detection of the GPIB-PCI board?



0 Kudos
Message 11 of 13

Hello everybody

I have partially resolved the problem.

If I start manually the service "gpibenumsvc" I can see the gpib board with "gpibexplorer", but when I launch the "visaconf" command all the system freeze and I must reboot.

Can someone help me for this problem?



0 Kudos
Message 12 of 13

There is an easy, but hackish way to avoid the "file conflict errors" that are thrown by RPM 4.10. Open the INSTALL file in a text editor and search for this block:

   if [ $noDepChecking -eq $kTrue ]; then


      echo "*****************************************************************************"

      echo "   Warning: --nodeps is an unsupported option."

      echo "            Installing without dependency checking is dangerous."

      echo "            Only use this option if you know what you are doing."

      echo "*****************************************************************************"




Edit it and insert the option "--replacefiles" into RPMOpts. The block should then read:

   if [ $noDepChecking -eq $kTrue ]; then

      RPMOpts="--nodeps --replacefiles"

      echo "*****************************************************************************"

      echo "   Warning: --nodeps is an unsupported option."

      echo "            Installing without dependency checking is dangerous."

      echo "            Only use this option if you know what you are doing."

      echo "*****************************************************************************"




Save the file and run it.

(Of course this is only a hack and a workaround. The RPM's should be fixed instead.)

Message 13 of 13