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Easily Load LIFA Using HEX

I always found it a little anoying the way that the LIFA needed to be loaded onto an Arduino using the Arduino IDE.  The IDE is around 250MB when uncompressed, and then you needed to install the toolkit using VIPM, then run the IDE, load the project, compile it, and then upload it to the Arduino.  Many times I just want to load my Arduino and start using it.  So I went in search on the internet for a way to deploy code to an Arduino without needing the full Arduino IDE.  I wanted a way to load an Arduion with the LIFA firmware with as few clicks as possible.  What I found was several tools but the one that worked the best was XLoader.

When using XLoader you need to provide the compiled code to be put on the board and the COM port that the board appears on when plugged in.  I have compiled the LIFA Base (package version) for the Arduino Uno, and the Mega 2560.  Just download XLoader, point it to the Hex for your board, and the COM port for your board, and you should be able to use the LabVIEW code to communicate to it.

Don't get me wrong I love that NI gives the source and allows us to modify it in the Arduino IDE.  But for many cases I don't need to modify the Arduino code, I just want to start using their toolkit quickly.

Message 1 of 18

I totally agree and this has been on my 'features list' for ages.  The Arduino IDE uses AVRDude to actually flash the microconroller and its pretty simple to call into AVRDude from LabVIEW using System Exec.  I've just never gotten around to putting all the peices together.  Good work!

-Sam K

0 Kudos
Message 2 of 18

Dear Hooovahh,

Thank you so much. It helped me a lot.

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 18

Hi! this is really a great job! I just don't understand why it doesn't work on my computer... I follow all your tasks and le Xloader seems to work.

I've inslalled the Arduino packaging on labview because labview find the ARduino ressources.

So I oppened labview 2012 and oppened the Analog Read Pin Example provided. On the INIT bloc, I made a right click on the VISA Ressource but instead of find the Com Port on which is my Arduino, he doesn't find anything... I tried to refresh but no way... I doesn't work...

Can you help me?

Thanks a lot!

Paul a-

0 Kudos
Message 4 of 18

Sounds like you need to go through the normal troubleshooting steps.  Things like finding out if the hardware is seen by the Device Manager, or by MAX, and making sure all other applications using that COM port are closed or have closed the references.

0 Kudos
Message 5 of 18

Hi Hooovahh,

I thing my troubles comes from my NI-VISA package... I can't install it and I don't know why! Here is the error message I get when I tr to install NI-VISA :


But I have a Labview 2012 installed on my computer... Can you help me on more time??

Thanks a lot!

0 Kudos
Message 6 of 18

Dear all,

I made some search (around 4 hours) to understand where my errors came from. Before to kill my computer I prefered to re-install labview 2012 and all its components. After long time of stress, I finally open my eyes and...... THAT WORKS!! well I think that my main error was the bad installation I made at first time for the arduino toolkit.

Anyway! it works!

Well now I have another quetion. I am making a datacenter with some arduinos. The last one which is connected on my computer gets datas from the others by zigbee way. Can I put my old code on the arduino (linked on my computer and on labview) or all the code will be written on labview?

Thanks a lot!!

0 Kudos
Message 7 of 18

The topics you are talking about have little if anything to do with original post.  If you have a question that is not related to the XLoader program, or HEX uploading of the LIFA, please make a new post asking the questions you have.

0 Kudos
Message 8 of 18

I know that, but I am in the right topic I think... because I found some tutos to make it without the Xloader but nothing to make it with it! Can I make the change directly inside the .H or .cpp that are in the HEX ?


0 Kudos
Message 9 of 18

The HEX file is a compiled build.  It cannot be modified.  This use of deploying a HEX file is only useful if you have no intention on editing the LIFA firmware that is put on the Arduino.  If you need to modify the LIFA firmware ignore this topic all together and follow the normal instructions for using LIFA. Steps like download Arduino IDE, open source, modify soucre, upload.

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Message 10 of 18