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FPGA base digital temperature sensor (DS18B20)

I am going to design a myrio-based temperature monitoring system that need 8 digital temperature sensors. I find the example FPGA digital temperature code. However, if i add more than 4 sensors, the FPGA error was showed that the cell size was over.


Is there any solution? Is it possible do all coding in RT?


btw, the onewire utilities is not a option but it does not support myRIO.




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Message 1 of 2

Hi Andy,


Can you post a screenshot of what you are currently doing with the example? Also if you have some error codes and descriptions of the errors it can help us to have a better idea of what you are currently seeing. If you are getting some buffer overflow erros one thing that you could try is to follow the recomendations stated on this link to avoid the buffer overflow.



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