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Feedback educational board (12-300 series) with NI ELVIS II-urgent(please help)

Hi I have got semiconductor 1 board ( from Feedback Instrument(12-304) and I would like to do the exercises by connecting the board to NI ELVIS II

but when I can't install the software (fbsetup.exe) properly and even after installing the software and engine I get this error message " Missing driver for National Instrument platform.Requires 8.6 or later"  ...while NI ELVIS II is connected to my laptop and I have also installed the latest driver for it. Has anyone worked withFeedback educational boards ? would you please help me to find the driver for semiconductor 1 board or help me to install it properly

Many thanks 


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Message 1 of 4

Hi EN99,


Do you have any idea which driver is missing? Have you tried to install the latest ELVISmx driver?


I am not familiar with that 3rd party board, my inital thoughts were that it may be a board and/or software designed to work with ELVIS1, which used the traditional DAQ driver rather than DAQmx. If this is the case then the supplied software would not work with the ELVIS2 since the drivers are fundamentally different.


However, after having a quick google search for the board in question it seems to be shown mounted on an ELVIS2, which would seem to suggest that it should be able to work fine.

It may be worth trying to contact the manufacturer of the board to ask if you have the correct version of their software (fbsetup.exe) for use with ELVIS2.


If you can upload fbsetup.exe here somehow I will attempt to install it here to see what driver it needs.



Stephen C
Applications Engineer
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Message 2 of 4

Hi.Many thanks for your reply Stephen

I cant upload the file because it is too big (about 295MB) but I have attached the Print screens of the installer. As can be seen in the main menu there is no driver installer and just contents and Engine are available.Also when I click on Install the installation process terminated and the installer cant install it properly (second pic) .I think setup file is not the correct one. 

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Message 3 of 4



As Stephen said, have you tried to install the latest ELVIS driver? You can find the NI ELVIS software here.


I have looked for the drivers of your board to try and replicate the error myself.  However, I can't find them on the manufactures website.


I would suggest contacting the manufacturer of the board to get the lastest version of their software.


Let me know how it goes.


Kind Regards


Lewis Gear CLA

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