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MyRIO live AM modulation of an incoming signal

Hi There,


I am currently attempting to carry out live audio read in via a MyRIO (Audio IN), then amplitude modulate this signal. 

Preferably i would then do a simple loopback of this signal via analog out into analog in, then demodulated and listen to this signal.


My problem lies in combining an AM carrier signal with my live Audio in. As you can see in the attached VI i am having real issues with data type clashes. 


Any help in getting this working is appreciated!



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Message 1 of 3

Hi Watter,


I have attached a modified version of the code you have attached, I have not tested the code but I believe it should assist.

If not I would suggest that you have a look at the following:


Simple AM Example:


Youtube also has an example code:


I hope this helps.



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Message 2 of 3

Hey Matt,


Thats great! looked like it was just a data type issue i was having. 


Thanks for looking at it.


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Message 3 of 3