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MyRIO palette controls not appearing

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Hi there,


I recently received a myRIO.  After getting comfortable (relatively) with LabVIEW, I connected the RIO for the first time and went through the getting started wizard and plotting the accelerometer graph.  However, when I tried to progress to controlling the LED on the myRIO through a VI, I couldn't find the relevant icons to insert from the Tools Palette as directed in the tutorial.  When I open the tools palette there's no 'myRIO' section.  There is some FPGA items and visionRIO controls, but none of the standard (I assume) LED control etc.  


After some reading, I figured it's probably an issue with the myRIO toolkit, I had installed LabVIEW and thought I installed the toolkit from the CD that comes with the item.  Idecided to clear and reinstall the toolkit.  With the CD, I uninstalled any myRIO toolkit that I'd installed previously and restarted, then installed the toolkit from the same CD and restarted.


No joy, the NI License Manager didn't show and myRIO toolkit under toolkits when I checked it out.


I'm now trying to install the toolkit from the web-download bundle for the second time.  Having checked out the previous posts on issues that seem the same as this, I've tried most everything and it doesn't seem to have worked.  When I open LabVIEW the screen (where you can create project/access pre-existing ones) says "LabView... myRIO," so it is the LabVIEW installed from the myRIO disc as far as I can tell.  I see no reason why it shouldn't be.


Please help if you can.  Let me know if any more information required.  I'm on Windows 10 on a HP Pavillion.




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Message 1 of 3
Accepted by topic author elpoko

It sounds like the VI you had open was under the myRIOs FPGA in the project. The palettes will change depending on the context of the VI so make sure the VI is created under the myRIO. You can also see and change the current context on the bottom left of the VI.

Matt J | National Instruments | CLA
Message 2 of 3

That's the fix, thanks very much Matt, you've made a teenager's day.



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