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Problem on host labview webservice on wlan of myRIO

Main problem: Cannot control myRIO app using WLAN network (USB Ethernet not connected)


I created a myRIO application that can be controlled by a web user interface using buttons that sends http request and read by a webservice method. The problem is when I deployed the build on the myRIO and controlled the app using the usb ethernet interface and wlan, it works on each type of network but when i removed the usb ethernet on the myRIO and controlled it only using the wlan network, the myRIO application does not read the http requests of the web UI. Is there any issue when the myRIO is connected via USB ethernet and when it is not?

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Message 1 of 6

@jecanlapan_GPSynergia wrote:

Main problem: Cannot control myRIO app using WLAN network (USB Ethernet not connected)



Hi Have you used your myrio as an access point or you have an external access point for control???? If you have external access point try out this which will work click here


Kudos Wlcome 🙂


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Certified LabVIEW Developer
Best LabVIEW Programmer @NIDAYS 2015
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Message 2 of 6
I used both methods and it work while attached to the usb ethernet. The problem is i want use the myrio usb cable free.
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Message 3 of 6

@jecanlapan_GPSynergia wrote:
I used both methods and it work while attached to the usb ethernet. The problem is i want use the myrio usb cable free.

If you want to use myrio without usb cable you have configure the MYRIO device with a wlan option properly, if the configuration is not followed properly then your rio wont work without cable instead it will work only with usb cable so make sure you follow these steps.


Also see to the video tutorial and try once. IF you have connected properly then it will work fine 

Certified LabVIEW Developer
Best LabVIEW Programmer @NIDAYS 2015
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Message 4 of 6

Guys,let met explain my problem a bir clearer. The scenario is I DID actually can make the myRIO work with WLAN, but thr PROBLEM is it doesn't work when I removed the USB ethernet connection.


I am controlling it thru the WLAN but it is still attached to the USB ethernet to the PC = working


I am controlling it thru the WLAN and the USB is not connected to the PC = NOT WORKING.

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Message 5 of 6

@jecanlapan_GPSynergia wrote:

Guys,let met explain my problem a bir clearer. The scenario is I DID actually can make the myRIO work with WLAN, but thr PROBLEM is it doesn't work when I removed the USB ethernet connection.


I am controlling it thru the WLAN but it is still attached to the USB ethernet to the PC = working


I am controlling it thru the WLAN and the USB is not connected to the PC = NOT WORKING.

Do you have the recommended software set installed on the myRIO (either through MAX or the Getting Started Wizard)?  You'll need theNI Web Based Configuration  software installed on the myRIO in order to configure wifi through the web interface.


Also see to this Link . 


Certified LabVIEW Developer
Best LabVIEW Programmer @NIDAYS 2015
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Message 6 of 6