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myDAQ new installation self test fails -88705

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Problem: NI myDAQ "myDAQ1" - Measurement & Automation Explorer => Devices and Interfaces => NI myDAQ "myDAQ1" => Self-Test fails to run. The error message is "The self test. failed. -88705 The specified device is not present ....."


My Environment:

Windows 8.1 64 bits running under Oracle VirtualBox Version 4.3.20 running on Mac OSX 10.10.1 on a 2012 MacBook Pro. I have zero prior exposure to working with myDAQ, LabView, or any other NI tools.


I downloaded NIELVIS1400_downloader.exe for Windows 8.1 from and ran it to completion. 


During the installation I safe guarded against Win8FastStartup issues by shutting down and restarting the PC when asked for.


After the installation when I physically plugged in the myDAQ device, it was recognized by Windows 8.1 since Device Manager has the entries "Data Acquisition Devices" under which "NI myDAQ" shows up. Device status for NI myDAQ is "This device is working properly".


When the myDAQ was physically plugged in, the "NI ELVISmx Instrument Launcher" window popped up. I clicked on the "How to Configure Your Hardware" icon and the "Getting Started Guide..." popped up. I verified that the blue LED on the device came up and was steady on. I proceeded to  "2. Confirm Device Recognition" paragraph in the getting started guide and followed the instruction to start the self-test. It failed as described above.


I noticed similar problems were reported in the past. The one closest to my problem was reported by flex11 on 5/5/2014. Reading through I did not see any resolution to it. Another similar problem  was resolved by manually starting the "NI Device Loader" service. In my case this service is already running. "NI License Server" is the only stopped service but I would imagine this is normal for myDAQ.


I don't have any other NI product installed on the PC.


I am sure there is a simple fix to this problem but I am afraid it is escaping me. I will appreciate any help that I can get through this forum.


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Message 1 of 7

If you go into MAX, do you see the myDAQ listed there under Devices and Interfaces?  It'd likely say myDAQ (Dev1).


If not, I suspect there's a driver issue.  I'm not 100% what all is installed with ELVIS.  The driver for the myDAQ is the DAQmx drivers.  You can find the 14.2 version here:


I'm assuming the ELVIS popup shows us the device is being read by your VM rather than the Mac OS.  Does this sound like a fair assumption?  Or, is the VM not receiving the device because it's being seen on your Mac OS instead?

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Message 2 of 7
Accepted by topic author oray

Thanks for getting back to me. Your reply has given me the stamina I needed to push ahead. 


I installed and finally got it to work. The exact start-up sequence that I needed is:

1) Remove myDAQ from the USB port and then start Windows 8.1 under VirtualBox.

2) After Windows 8.1 comes up, attach myDAQ to a USB port. If a pop-up window appears prompting you to respond, ignore it (at first I did not ignore it and myDAQ turned into a USB firmware loader device as reported by the Device Manager).

3) At this point most likely "VirtualBox VM Devices => USB Devices" pull down menu shows "National Instruments NI myDAQ [0003]" as an entry but without a checkmark to the left of the name. Bring the mouse cursor to the left of the name and click there. You should now see a check mark there.

4) My myDAQ self tests started working.


However, I needed the functionality provided by ELVIS as well. So I uninstalled and installed from NI ELVISmx 14.0. My start-up sequence that I reported above failed to work. Just at this time It just happened that Oracle released Version 4.22 of VirtualBox that I wanted to try and ELVIS started to run. I can now use myDAQ DMM.


One thing that has compounded my problems is unsuccessful attempts to uninstall the NI software. Unsuccessful uninstalls leave garbage behind which may or may not cause problems in subsequent re-installations. In one case I ended up with nidevldu (NI Device Loader) service stuck in the system. I had to do a reset Windows 8.1 recovery operation to get rid of it. I decided to reboot Windows 8.1 prior to uninstalling the software. This assures that there is nothing in limbo going on that may interfere with a successful uninstall.

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Message 3 of 7

Hey guys, 

I believe I'm facing a similar problem, I've already followed all the suggested steps but now for some reason it seems that VirtualBox won't allow myDAQ to be mounted on the guest OS.

As shown on the screenshots, the device is listed under "USB Device Filters", but I can't seem to be able to tick myDAQ on the USB icon at the bottom right hand corner of the virtual machine. 
Any ideas of what might be causing it? Any pointers or suggestions are highly appreciated!!



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Message 4 of 7

I would suggest trying with enabling the VM’s USB 2.0 controller instead of 3.0.

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Message 5 of 7

Thanks for your quick reply.

I've already tried enabling USB 1.0, USB 2.0 and as you've seen USB 3.0, but no luck so far.
I was thinking that perhaps there would be a way of un-mounting myDAQ from the host machine without physically disconnecting it from the USB port as I think that may be preventing the virtual machine from accessing the device. Do you think that may be the case?


Thanks once again!!

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Message 6 of 7

When I look at your 1st screen shot, I see myDAQ is checked and it shows up in your 2nd screen shot under USB settings. The fact that it is shown in bold font suggests to me that myDAQ has been mounted under VBOX. Otherwise, I believe it would have come up in gray font. In anyway, you can unload/remove the device from the host without physically removing myDAQ by using the host OS's unload/eject command. But I think the problem is with software installation. By the way, after I got myDAQ to work with VBOX, I decided that the OS X - VBOX - Windows8.1 path was too slow to use the signal generator/oscilloscope features of myDAQ unless the frequencies were rather slow. I had to find and move to a native Windows machine. 

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Message 7 of 7