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Actor Framework Hands-on: Adding Message Enqueuer Object

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Greetings to the AF community,

I have read the white paper and completed Part 1 of the Actor Framework Hands-On using LabVIEW 2014. So far it's really cool.

This is an extremely basic question, but I can't get past it with just google searches and dogged perseverance...

Early in part 2 you have to add a copy of Cooler's enqueuer as an attribute (PDF page 29). The instructions say to open Cooler UI with Events.ctl and then "Add a Message Enqueuer object to the cluster of class private data."

Well, how do you do that? It's not a control, if you select "LabVIEW Object" from the palatte it cannot be configured to a Message Enqueuer object. For that matter, how did they get the Fan Status, Temperature and Pump objects in there to begin with?

Any help greatly appreciated.



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Accepted by topic author billtrib

So, I figured it out eventually. The Message Enqueuer is a class which can be added to a cluster using Select a vi... . Onward and upward...

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