Actor Framework Discussions

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Actor Message Log

For several reasons, I'd like to capture a log of the messages that are sent to an actor. Firstly for debug of my code, but then for later on in the application where I will have a complex state machine with several actors and lots of messages and I may need to debug the sequence. It seems like overriding "Receive" would be a good place to capture a log. Some searching around this forum lead to using the "Get Class Name" to pull the class name, which gives the message name as a string that I can then store. But, how would I capture the data associated with that message class? Since every class has different data associated with it, I can see that it might be challenging. Suggestions welcome.

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Message 1 of 6

Sounds like you would need to have some way of serializing/deserializing the message data.

You can look into converting it to a string. Ideas that come to mind is looking at the LAVAG Variant probe

or check out Aristos Queue Character Lineator

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Message 2 of 6

First, what version of LabVIEW are you using?  If you are using 2013 or 2014, and have access to the Desktop Execution Trace Toolkit, you can get a version of AF that generates trace data for your message traffic.  Check ou the community source versio of AF here:

If you want to log attributes, you can override Receive Message as you've described.  As it turns out, the Flatten to XML primitive will give you a human-readable copy of your attributes, provided at least one attribute has a non-default value.  So you can flatten the XML and append it t some text file somewhere.

The down side, of course, is that you've introduced another layer to your class hierarchy, and dropping the logging layer *will* force a recompile.  That might matter, or it might not, depending on your process and regulatory requirements.

Message 3 of 6

I think the XML trick will work. Thanks for the idea.

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Message 4 of 6

You can also create a "Loggable Message.lvclass", give it a "Generate Log" dynamic dispatch method, and then make all your messages to that actor inherit from the Loggable Message class. Each one can override to create its own display message.

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Message 5 of 6

Note that one can make the parent implementation of AQ’s “Generate Log String” return the class name and/or XML, and then have key message classes override with something more custom.   I use “Text Description” rather than “Generate Log String”, as such a function is valuable in custom probes in addition to logging.

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